forming healthy resolutions

Consider this: you embrace  December as an opportunity to empower your motivation for those new year’s goals. It may sound a little far-fetched, but believe us, it’s possible.

Part of forming healthy resolutions is reminding yourself it’s a marathon, not a sprint, to achieve your personal health goals. Setting small, actionable goals you can realistically achieve in increments is a better route to success than aiming for the gold medal overnight. There’s no pressure and no specific regimented plan you have to follow when you switch your mindset to embrace this philosophy. Instead, you allow yourself the opportunity to relish a regular dose of motivation to fuel your inner spirit to keep moving forward.  

We know you can do it and are here to cheer you on as you embark on this journey.

Use these 12, one-off resolutions to help light that fire of motivation in you over the coming months.

Twelve Resolutions

  1. Clean your bed linens weekly.
  2. Aim to get 10,000 steps this week.
  3. Step out of your “athleisure” and into your “nice clothes”.
  4. Meal prep your lunches at least 3 days a week.
  5. Make a new recipe you’ve been eyeing.
  6. Allow time to journal once a week and make it a habit.
  7. Sign up for a workout class this month.
  8. Set a goal to finish that book you’ve had on your list (with a snack to keep you going.)
  9. Incorporate stretch breaks into your workday.
  10. Grab a friend and do a free HIIT workout. Can you make it a weekly thing?
  11. Incorporate one of these dietitian approved foods daily into your meal plan.
  12. Get your omega-3 fats in. Eat seafood (like salmon) two times per week.


There’s no need to wait until January 1 to get started on forming healthy resolutions. Jump on in and let your motivation guide this new mindset. Be sure you’re fueled up with the latest :ratio products to satisfy and satiate you on this journey. Tag us @ratiofood so we can celebrate your wins with you.

*Always consult your physician before starting an eating plan that involves regular consumption of high fat foods. See information for calorie, total fat and sat. fat content.