Having a well-equipped kitchen is key to making your keto*-friendly lifestyle stick. Just like you wouldn’t want your mechanic working on your car without the right tools, we don’t want you navigating culinary adventures without the right equipment either. That’s why we’ve rounded up our 10 favorite keto*-friendly kitchen tools recommended by cookbook authors, chefs, and registered dietitian nutritionists. We promise investing in these now will make cooking more enjoyable, palatable, and dare-we-say, amazing.


Kitchen Basics

If you have to prioritize, get these into your kitchen ASAP. Then, expand your kitchen toolbox during holiday deals and cyber-Monday specials.

kitchen tools on table

Collapsible Measuring Cups and Spoons

While many nutrition professionals have moved away from recommending kitchen scales, tried-and-true measuring cups and spoons are a necessity. From helping portion out your :ratio cereals to keeping you honest on the tablespoon of nut butter, measuring spoons and cups are crucial to helping you succeed on your keto*-friendly lifestyle. To save space, we like the collapsible option of the cups and stackable spoons that allow you to keep your kitchen drawers organized.

kitchen utensils

Kitchen Shears

If you haven’t bought yourself a pair of kitchen scissors, then add them to your cart right now. Actually, add two sets. One for your produce, and one for your meats (chefs recommend for food safety reasons we keep these two uses separated.) From quickly cutting leafy greens and herbs to trimming your chicken breasts and skin off other meats, kitchen shears are soon to be your new best friend.

Reusable Silicon Storage Bags

Consider yourself a sustainable human when you invest in this kitchen staple. Not only are you helping save the planet by reducing your use of plastic bags when you use these reusable silicon storage bags, but you’re also saving yourself time in the kitchen from washing dishes since you can literally refrigerate or freeze, heat, then eat straight out of these bags. Nutritionists like to use these to pre-chop and store their produce, while chefs have a few designated bags to marinate meats for pressure cooking. Whatever your desired use, we promise, invest in a variety of these gems to make your kitchen (and cooking) more sustainable.

storage containers

Compartmentalized Storage Containers

Meal prep is one of the best ways to make your keto*-friendly lifestyle stick during a busy week. While you may think bento boxes are just for kid’s lunches, that certainly isn’t the case. After all, we developed this handy guide to make your keto*-friendly lunchbox that much more delicious and nutritious. Having compartmentalized storage containers allows you to prep your macros ahead of time,  helping you to avoid mindlessly munching when hunger strikes. Stock up on the larger size :ratio keto*-friendly cultured dairy snack and pair with your favorite fruits, nuts, and seeds for a better-for-you adult bento lunchbox.

Meat Tenderizer Tool

You know that ever-so-tender, melt-in-your-mouth chicken parmesan you order at your favorite Italian restaurant? Well, what if we told you the trick to making that at home (in your air fryer) is having a meat tenderizer at home. While it may look like a kitchen hammer, it certainly is a game changer when it comes to preparing five-star meat-centered meals at home. And, that’s not all it can do! Enter, crushed walnuts (or other nuts.) Buying whole nuts is often more cost-effective than the crushed varieties. Save your hard earned money by buying whole nuts and crush them yourself at home using your meat tenderizer (just be sure to wash it between uses.)


Nice-To-Have Kitchen Tools

Believe us when we say, these tools and appliances are about to level up the way you cook. From keto*-friendly air-fried buffalo cauliflower bites to pressure cooked shredded pork shoulder, your weekly menu is about to get much tastier.

Vegetable Spiralizer

Yes, you can certainly cut your veggies using your standard kitchen knives. But, to get the fun and exciting shapes and textures of produce you’ll find at restaurants (and all over Pinterest), you’ll want to invest in a vegetable spiralizer. From instant zucchini noodles (“zoodles”) to beet chips, get ready to transform your favorite produce picks. Think outside traditional leafy salad bowls and turn it into a “zoodle” bowl with all your favorite fixings and :ratio’s granola on top for a fun keto*-friendly crouton.

Pressure Cooker

If you haven’t jumped on this trend yet, now is the time. Not only can you pressure cook your favorite roasts in literally a fraction of the time it would take you to prepare it in the oven, but you can also use this appliance just like a slow cooker (it really is an all-in-one appliance.) For those of you who have minimal time to cook, this is your saving grace. In under an hour, you can make beef brisket or in just 15 minutes a delicious turkey sloppy joe to put on your keto*-friendly bun. 

Air Fryer

Yes, you can get the same satisfaction from your favorite fried food fare for a fraction of the fat and calories at home when you invest in an air fryer. From air-fried appetizers to quick steak bites, it’s amazing how quickly the hot air cooking method can transform your favorite recipes in a matter of minutes. Nutritionists rave about air frying your favorite fruits with a little cinnamon to caramelize the natural sugars in the fruits for a quick fix to satisfy a sweet tooth. We tried this and highly recommend trying this and topping with :ratio’s granola for a fun twist on a crumble.

High-Speed Blender

If you don’t have a high-speed blender, make sure you add this to your Santa wish list stat. Not only can a high-speed blender make your favorite smoothies, but it also works to make homemade nut butters, sauces, and spreads. Think about how much money you’ll save making your own almond butter and pesto at home. We recommend making your own nut butter with a cocoa twist and spreading it on top of :ratio’s soft baked chocolate chunk cookie for a fun treat. 

Raclette Table Grill

If this is new to you, you’re not alone. If you like to host fun food gatherings, then this European-inspired appliance may just be your new best friend. With an indoor style grill on top, this electric appliance can easily prepare breakfast to dinner options in a fun and inviting atmosphere. Place it in the center of your table with your favorite meat and veggie skewers on top, then slice a variety of cheeses and let your guests melt them in the personalized pans under the center grill to spice up their keto*-friendly meal. This appliance also serves as a griddle to make low-carb pancakes and eggs as well.


*Always consult your physician before starting an eating plan that involves regular consumption of high fat foods. See information for calorie, total fat and sat. fat content.