With the holidays and new year growing ever nearer, reflecting on your health journey is key before getting lost in the festive hustle and bustle. With the right mindset, you can get a head start on your resolutions and set yourself up for success in the coming year.  

Getting Started 

We aren’t trying to decide your resolutions today, so turn to your journal and reflect on the up’s and down’s of your journey. If you aren’t a journal keeper, be sure to check out our 5 Reasons You Should Journal Every Day 

As you take to the page, think about these questions: 

  • What were your wins (big and small)?  
  • What can you continue to improve?  
  • Getting off track is inevitable.  How did you get back to your routine? 
  • What could be done to nourish your level of commitment to your goals?  

As you think through these questions, be sure to note what could be distracting you. Things like screen time, going out rather than making food at home, or working without breaks may be preventing you from reaching your goals.  

Set Yourself Up for Success 

The holiday season can be challenging to navigate with endless plates of cookies, delicious all-you-can-eat spreads, and packed schedules, leaving little time for yourself. You can plan for success by packing your nutritious snacks while out and about or bringing low-carb desserts or dishes to gatherings.  

Establishing goals should benefit your mental and physical health, so don’t be too hard on yourself throughout this process. We’d love to hear how you’re looking back at your progress and the simple changes you’re making to your routine. Tag us on social @ratiofood so we can cheer you on.