Exploring coffee on a keto* diet offers a delightful array of options, from black coffee to protein shakes, to keto*-friendly alternatives like :ratio keto*-friendly Dairy drinks and sugar-free syrups to enhance flavor, there’s something for everyone. 

The Many Types of Coffee Drinks

While special utensils and appliances may be required for each method, choosing your ideal brew all comes down to your personal tastes. Whether you're drawn to the power of espresso, the richness of a French press, the clean taste of drip or the patience for pour-over methods, quality beans and hot water are all you need to make a fantastic cup of coffee. 

keto*-friendly coffee creations 

Keto Creamers

ratio dairy beverage with coffee

For those looking to add complementary flavors to their coffee, may we suggest trying a pump or two of sugar-free vanilla (or seasonal flavored) syrup, coconut milk, heavy cream or keto*-friendly alternatives like :ratio keto*-friendly Dairy drinks. Just be sure to take out your kitchen tools (we see you measuring spoons) to prevent a heavy pour.

Exploring the world of coffee while on a keto*-friendly diet is not only possible, but also delightful. As you establish a morning coffee into your routine, be sure to experiment until you find your preferred cup.

Looking for more content like this? Check out our article featuring 3 ways to refresh your coffee routine.

*Always consult your physician before starting an eating plan that involves regular consumption of high fat foods. See information for calorie, total fat and sat. fat content.