Finding time to fit in your regular fitness during the holiday chaos may seem daunting. Whether it be the cooler weather forcing you indoors or navigating a tight schedule, we get it. But sneaking in even just a few minutes of natural sunlight over for important vitamin D and mood health benefits sunshine offers are crucial (more on that here.) Here are some fun activities to help you stay on track of your health goals and get that sunshine in during this festive holiday season.

family ice skating

1. Build a snowman

If the weather outside isn’t too frightful, wrap up in your warmest winter gear and head outside. (don’t forget your gloves!) Building a snowman is a great way to get moving over the holidays.

family building a snowman

2. Take a stroll through your illuminated neighborhood

Want a fun, active way to end your day? Get more steps in by taking in the holiday lights in your neighborhood. The best time for a stroll is when the sun goes down so holiday light displays can guide your way.

3. Shovel snow or rake the leaves

When the snow piles up, or the leaves don’t take after their namesake, you can get a nice workout clearing the walkways around your home.

 4. Go ice skating

If an outdoor stroll isn’t your family’s thing, you can always visit your local ice rink. Lace up some skates and get gliding for a classic way to stay moving over the holidays.

5. Snow sports (sledding/snowboarding/skiing)

All work and no play in the snow makes for a dull winter season. Hit the slopes (or hills) with your trusty old toboggan, snowboard, or skis and your favorite protein packed :ratio snack, like our tasty granola. It’s a joyful way to stay active and get more protein all winter long.


6. Harvest your own Christmas tree

Kick off the holiday season with a trip to the local tree farm. When it comes to harvesting your hand-picked Christmas tree, opt for the hand saw for a great workout outdoors.

 7. Split wood for a holiday bonfire

Whether you’re splitting wood for your own fireplace or community space, it’s a great activity to to activate those muscles over the holidays. Don’t forget to bring your favorite :ratio snacks, like our crunchy bars, to share with family and friends. And, of course, be sure you’re cutting that wood safely.

 8. Dance party

One of the best ways to get jolly during the winter solstice is by hosting a festive dance party with family and friends.

9. Hiking

Time outdoors in the wilderness is a great way to work in some exercise while enjoying nature. Even if you don’t live near a rural area, just a stroll outside can be helpful.

family hiking

10. Explore your local holiday market

Even if you don’t have any snow outside, you can still get in the festive mood and get some exercise by visiting your local holiday market. We have the perfect snacks to fuel your holiday shopping.

11. Decorate your home

If outdoor workout inspiration is more your thing, you can gather festive lights to decorate your home with. You can also work up a sweat inside by decorating your home with fun holiday ornaments. Spend the day moving around outside and inside while setting up your own winter wonderland.

 12. Volunteer at your local shelter

Soup kitchens, donation drives, and other community hosted goodwill events are a nice way to give back and get in some additional steps over the holidays.

When you celebrate the season by spreading holiday cheer with these festive activities, be sure to tag us on social @ratiofood so we can join in on the fun!