Understanding portion sizes is an important life skill that we want to equip you with if you’re not already familiar. Plus, it’s a critical component of achieving your health goals and meeting your macros. While your individual needs and the number of servings of a particular portion will vary depending on your fitness level, goals, and genetics, getting a feel for “eyeballing” portion sizes on-the-go will help you confident in preparing your plate. Plus, it may help you feel more satiated and satisfied with your meal as you keep the different food groups and portions in mind.

Use this infographic as a guide and remember, progress, not perfection, is what counts.

portion control comparisons

Disclaimer: This tool is to be used as an estimate. Actual portions will vary slightly depending on everyone's hand sizes.

woman in the kitchen


Remember, your individual physiological needs are unique to your fitness level, body composition, and genetics. While portion sizes can help to quickly estimate your macros while on-the-go, it’s important to listen to your body and get to know your internal hunger and fullness cues. Keep these quick tricks in mind while eating on-the-go.

  • Choose the lunch/regular sized portion.
    • Avoid upgrading to the “supersize” even if it’s a steal of a deal as the portion sizes will be more than you likely need. If there is only one size available, splitting with a friend or, if able, take half home.
  • Use a plate or bowl to eat from versus a package.
    • Having a salad and opting for the big bag of pita chips to go with it? Portion out those chips on a napkin or plate next to the salad so you can visually see the portion size and check in with your feeling of fullness before going for another portion.
  • Volumize with veggies.
    • Add the side salad, cup of fruit, or alternative produce pick when you’re eating on-the-go. Adding more produce to your meal plan will help your , which ultimately will help with satiety and portion control.
  • Read the menu. Check the nutrition information if available.
    • Most dining establishments have nutrition information available for menu items. Figure out first which choices sound best to you, then glance at the nutrition to see which of items you’ve chosen meets most closely your nutrition goals. Order the item, sit down, and savor every bite.

Want more tips on dining out? Then checkout Keto 101: Dining Out With Confidence for more tips and tricks!

We’d love to see how you eat on-the-go! Be sure to tag us @ratiofood so we can join in the fun.


*Always consult your physician before starting an eating plan that involves regular consumption of high fat foods. See information for calorie, total fat and sat. fat content.